Future Together

TIS takes environmental protection and environmental issues as an important topic - the enterprise mission to the Earth's environment . The "sustainable operation" theme shall be implemented into solutions at the company's operating level, including corporate culture establishment, strategic business planning, internal management improvement, and financial planning, etc.
As environmental management is carried forward, the environmental management system (EMS) promotion mechanism, General Manager being the top executive, requires each department prepare the performance report and plan on the annual environmental meeting. The PDCA Cycle is continuously applied to EMS in order for constant improvement.

Environmental Contribution Points System

The company’s energy proposal concerning the client's connecting devices for CO2 emission reduction: donating 10 yuan per 1 ton of CO2 reduction.
The money will be donated to nongovernmental NPOs dedicated to earth environmental protection activities, and donation-recognized NPO entities of afforestation projects, etc.
The company's proposal: to prevent global warming together with clients, and to share the company’s relevant business, design, technology and development with directly related personnel and colleagues of environmental protection, thereby achieving the common objective of emission reduction.

Health & Safety

In 2008, TIS acquired ISO14000 & ISO18000 international certifications. On the basis of their fundamental conceptions, TIS aims to achieve the ultimate goal of "Work with Bright Life".
With respect to health and safety responsibilities, TIS takes our employees and clients seriously. In this regard, our customized business services are provided with a health and safety management system, and also with health and safety advices as well as welfare issues.
In the health and safety management system, health and safety activities introduced every year are organized according to the characteristics of each project, endeavoring to provide sustained security management, to decrease work disaster potential risks, and to improve health & safety, and response level.
As to the health & safety activities, unified policies and plans are made, problem causes are taken care in risk management, measures for improvement and prevention are sought, and the progress of PDCA cycle is followed.

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